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Planning Board Minutes 05/07/1998




MAY 7, 1998

PRESENT:  Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Ted Bailey, Harold Arey, Skip Lawrence, Paul Adams, Ron Lesieur, Joanna McIntosh and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.

The Board would like to thank Jeff Andrews for his dedication to the Chichester Planning Board for the last 10 years and let it be known his input will be greatly missed.  Thank you Jeff.

New changes to the Board, Skip Lawrence will be the new voting member, since Jeff Andrews resignation and Joanna McIntosh will be the newest member of the Board as an alternate.

Tonight Joanna will be a voting member.

Chairman Scott requested the Board to review the minutes of April 2, 1998, after minor changes the Board agreed to hold on motion to the minutes until the end of the agenda.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Michelle & Jim Plunkett
                                                Map 8, Lot 23, Bear Hill Road

Abutters present:  Walter Sanborn.

Ernest Vienotte, Registered Land Surveyor, presented the Board with final subdivision plans.

The Board agreed the plans were complete as to the requested information of April 2, 1998 meeting.  Setbacks, soil types and owner of record.

Motion was made to accept the subdivision.

                                Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)


PUBLIC HEARING:                         Beth Adams
                                                Map 7, Lot 17, Ferrin Road

Abutters Present:   Peter Dobbins

Ernest Vienotte, Registered Land Surveyor, presented the Board with final plans.

The Board agreed the plans were complete as to the requested information of April 2, 1998 meeting.  Setbacks, soil types and owner of record.

A Board member is still concerned that this road is a class VI road.  The Board has a letter from the road agent that this is class V road and is town maintained, also the selectmen agree this is a class V road.  The state has been sent information on several roads that have been deemed class V by the town in the past that the state has not updated.

Motion was made to accept the subdivision.

                        Brehm/Arey              (Passed)

PRELIMINARY AND                 Ted Bailey
PUBLIC HEARINGS:                        Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 1, Lot 35 & 35A, Leavitt Road

Mr. Bailey stepped down from the Board for his hearing.

Abutters present:  Dave Rounds and Walter Sanborn

Ernest Vienotte, Registered Land Surveyor, presented the Board with the plans for the Lot Line Adjustment.

Mr. Bailey is adding a small parcel of land to the lot to make the property more suitable for selling.

Motion was made to accept the preliminary plan.

                        Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

Motion was also made to accept the final Lot Line Adjustment plan.

                        Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     Carl Mahlstedt
                                        Signs/Goosebay Lumber
                                        Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road

Mr. Mahlstedt would like to increase his signs, the zoning will allow up to 96 square feet for this piece of property, Mr. Mahlstedt would have 20 square feet over the allowed amount.

Recommendation to send a letter to the Board of Adjustment for clarification.

DISCUSSION:                     Bruce Luksza
                                        2 Lot Subdivision
                                        Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Road


DISCUSSION:                     Bruce Luksza
                                        Site Review
                                        Office/Storage Building
                                        Map 9, Lot 19, Swiggey Brook Road


DISCUSSION:                     Dr. Kevin Mara
                                        Central NH Animal Care
                                        Map 3, Lot 23, Dover & King Roads

Dr. Mara would like to put an addition on to his home and business between 600 and 800 square feet.

The Board is in agreement this is a significant increase and would need a site review.

Design Review and Public Hearing set for June 4, 1998

DISCUSSION:                     Leigh Komornick
                                        Central NH Regional Planning Commission
                                        Summer School
                                        12 Cross Street, Penacook

Leigh has come to the Board to explain the different types of things the Commission can do to help the town, some with costs over and above the dues and others with no fee involved.


The Board explained that we put it in the budget every year and it gets rejected.

The Board would be interested in having a planner come in to review the plans submitted by property owners and have them make any necessary changes as to the regulation or checklists they are going by before they reach the Board on hearing nights.

The commission would also be helpful in any additions or changes in our zoning, site reviews, subdivision regulation or any other means the Board uses at its hearings.

The Board thanked Ms. Komornick for coming and providing us with incentive to try again next year to get back on the commission.

DISCUSSION:                             PUBLIC INPUT

A Board member would like to have Mr. Walter Sanborn explain how his feelings are to the economics of how the town should seek opening roads.

Mr. Sanborn explained that he would like to see the class VI roads opened to class V roads instead of big developments coming in and changing the rural concept of Chichester.  Opening of the existing roads would be to the advantage of the town in keeping large scale housing developments down.

The other way to keep large scale housing developments down is cluster zoning, where you may have the same amount of houses but the houses are placed closer together and there is more open space for the public to enjoy.

If we keep the class VI roads closed it is going to be more favorable for land owners to sell their large parcels of land to developers.

                                        SITE REVIEW REGULATIONS

Members of the Board were asked to submit any changes they felt would help the Board in the site review process.  Suggestions were made and added to the list of changes secretary Deachman will retype the regulations and submit them to the Board.

A letter was given to the Board from Mr. & Mrs. Conway, stating they are not required to do anything with ADA and the Board does not have any authority to mandate them to.  Therefore they will consider their site review accepted unless they receive notice stating otherwise.


A Board member did not remember the Board stating a letter would not be sent out until the Conways had competed the project.  Chairman Scott clarified that he had made that statement and the Secretary had placed it in the minutes properly, other Board members recalled the statement and agreed with Chairman Scott.

The Board agreed to send a letter to the Conways stating we are unable to approve their site review at this time until they meet the conditions they agreed to at the April 2, 1998 meeting. (ie) ADA requirements and a letter to be recorded by the Board with the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds stating if the property changes use or changes hands a mylar will be required.

Again Chairman Scott brought the Minutes of April 2, 1998 back to the Board for acceptance.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with changes

                        Brehm/Lesieur           (Passed)

Motion to adjourn.

                        Lesieur/Brehm           (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                        Tracy Scott, Chairman